A nonprofit art organization promoting art, artists, and land conservation.
Visit us in the months of February & March to view the artwork
of ARTservancy Artist Residents, Sarah Eichhorn and Chuck Stebelton.
This exhibition features artwork inspired by yearlong residencies
at the Milwaukee Beerline Trail and Milwaukee River Greenway.
To read more about these collaborations, visit Eddee Daniel's blog.
Sarah Eichhorn is a fiber artist and sustainable living advocate, she teaches textiles at Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD), with a background in fashion and costume design.
Sarah is drawn to creating pieces of art that utilize natural colors and fibers while pushing herself towards zero waste with her materials. She has led various workshops on natural dye and eco-printing techniques, as well as facilitated lectures on sustainable fashion. Through her personal practice, Sarah hopes to inspire others to consider where their coloring comes from and how we can collectively become more invested in the clothes we wear.
She is also an avid urban gardener and homesteader.
I am a poet, occasional printer, and a Wisconsin Master Naturalist volunteer.
I have lived within a few city blocks of the Milwaukee River Greenway in the Riverwest neighborhood of Milwaukee since 2005.
I walk the river almost daily, in all seasons.
These walks are tied to my writing practice, inextricably.
I like to orient my walks with certain natural and historical landmarks in mind. In turn these walks guide my writing practice. Kilbourn Reservoir, traces of the Milwaukee & Rock River Canal, former dam infrastructures, the Charles. B. Whitnall House, poet Carl Sandburg’s Cambridge Woods residence, Frederick Law Olmstead’s Riverside Park, the giant old Hackberry tree that commands the Riverside Park tree canopy, and the stately champion-sized Sycamores in Kern Park all stand out on the map of my walks.
I chose the Beerline Trail because of its proximity to my home. I reside in Riverwest, and there are sections of the Beerline that my family and I walk daily. My son’s school is along the trail, and many neighborhood events happen along northern sections of the trail.
With two small children, my walks along the trail are often predetermined. My older child has just started riding a bicycle, and we have started taking short rides together. My younger child is still in a stroller, so the trail is often used as an escape from the noisy streets in the area. These walks and rides become inspiration for the work I’m creating or considering. The collection of small stones, fallen leaves, footprints in the snow and dandelions can all be ways to document our moments together.
If there are moments I can take along the trail by myself, then I like to make sure I have a fiber project (likely knitting) with me. I can find a spot off the trail that is quiet and spend some time along the Milwaukee River Greenway to knit in solitude. These moments allow me to consider what else is around me that could be used as dye materials, or be incorporated into my work.