A nonprofit art organization promoting art, artists, and land conservation.
Virtual Exhibit
2021-2022 ARTservancy, Artist in Residence
Marsha McDonald
Not all artists create for the sake
of the end product.
For some artists the experience is the art.
This is true for Marsha McDonald who creates through site specific intuitive exploration..
Her yearlong virtual exhibit features
daily poetry and photography meditations
inspired by experiencing nature.
River Revitalization Foundation

Image borrowed with permission from A Wealth of Nature blog by Eddee Daniels about Marsha McDonald Click here to visit the blog.
Marsha Mcdonald's Story
As an artist and educator (with part of the year abroad teaching EFL—English as a Foreign Language), I have been able to walk and live among a variety of urban environments. I have been keenly aware of the edges and influences of nature found in or near, coexisting with, urban places. The Milwaukee Greenway has provided city residents—as well as animals and plants—with a corridor that sustains our well-being. I am creating visual and written work, documented through a blog, that honors those connections. I hope to create a chapbook and exhibit images. I’m also planning an event for late summer 2021 with the River Revitalization Foundation, which is celebrating the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Greenway.
Artist StatEment
For decades, I’ve undertaken site-specific “intuitive exploration” of landscapes, and things in landscapes, that I have lived in or traveled to. Water is physically or metaphorically present throughout my practice. Intentionally meditative, I record relationships - human, (pre)historic, poetic - that exist or have existed between people, objects, plants, animals, and real or imagined places. I use text, printing, paint, ink, paper, metal, collected stones and glass, photography, and video. I translate my experiences into interrelated image/ object series, using spiritually significant numbers (1000, 108, 99, 36, 39, 24, 12, 7, 8, 4, 3, 2, 1, 687, 28, 13).

Collection OF POEMS & PHOTOS
Daily photos can be found on Marsha's Blog

Sample BLOG

Pigeon's Wings from my daily blog done as part of the ARTservancy experiences
September 19, 2021
Hawk call this morning
will come